For admission call us....For admission call us....For admission call us....For admission call us....For admission call us....For admission call us....For admission call us....For admission call us.... B.U.M.S. – EduCareer360
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Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery

Course Duration:4½ Years
Course Type:Undergraduate Course
Eligibility Criteria:10+2 passed with PCB subjects
Qualification Awarded:Bachelor’s Degree

BUMS stands for Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery. This is an undergraduate degree program in the field of Unani medicine, an alternative medical system that originated in ancient Greek civilization and was later developed and practiced in the Indian subcontinent. The program typically lasts for 5.5 years, including a mandatory year-long internship. Throughout the course, students study various subjects related to Unani medicine, such as the principles and concepts of Unani medicine, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, surgery, and gynecology. Graduates of BUMS can become Unani medicine practitioners by setting up their own clinics or by working for established healthcare organizations. They can also choose to continue their education in Unani medicine and conduct research in the field.

The candidate must be a Indian Nationals, Non Resident Indians (NRIs), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), & Persons with Indian Origin (PIO)

The Candidate has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete that age on or before 31 December of the year of his/her admission to the first year Undergraduate Medical Courses .

The upper age limit for NEET (UG) is 25 years as on the date of examination with relaxation of 5 years for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC-NCL category and PwD Candidates.

The  candidate  must be medically fit and  must submit a certificate of medical fitness at the time of Admission.

The candidate must have passed the qualifying examination  i.e. Higher  Secondary Certificate  (HSC/12th Standard) or equivalent examination, with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology  (Botany & Zoology)

A candidate belonging to OPEN Category  and EWS Category must have obtained  not less than 50%  (i.e. 250 out of 500) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, taken together at the HSC (or equivalent) Examination.  

A candidate belonging  to constitutional  reservation  except EWS Category and  constitutional  reservation with Person  With Disability claim must have obtained  not less than 40% (i.e.  200 out of 500) marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology  taken together at the HSC (or equivalent)  Examination. Person with disability  candidate in General category must  secure not less than  45% marks (i.e. 225  out of 500) in Physics, Chemistry & Biology (PCB)  taken together at the HSC  (or  equivalent) Examination or decided by  respective Central Council.

In this professional course the students are taught about the following: * Regimental therapy (llaj -bit- Tadbeer) * Venesection * Cupping * Diaphoresis * Diuresis * Turkish bath * Massage * Cauterization * Purging * Emesis * Exercise * Leeching * Pharmacotherapy (llaj-bit-Dawa) * Dietotherapy (llaj-bit-Ghiza) * Surgery (Jarahat) Beside this course, there are the following courses available in this field: * Post Graduate Diploma in Unani Medicine and Surgery * Master of Medicine in Unani * Doctor of Medicine (Unani)

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